Custom handmade Fairy Garden Houses, Outdoor Fairy Houses, and Fairy Doors.

Enchanted Fairy Houses, doors, and Fairy Accessories. Invite that special fairy magic to your life today!
Custom handmade Fairy Garden Houses, Outdoor Fairy Houses, and Fairy Doors.
Enchanted Fairy Houses, doors, and Fairy Accessories. Invite that special fairy magic to your life today!
At Delightfully Evil Designs, we believe in the magic of fairies and the enchantment of their world. Our mission is to create whimsical and inviting spaces that make every fairy feel at home during their visits with us humans. Through our imaginative designs, we strive to capture the essence of fairy tales and bring a touch of delightful mischief to every creation, ensuring that every corner is a sanctuary of wonder and joy.
Imagine a tiny fairy named Lira that lived secretly in the corner of your house, nestled between the plants and shelves. She was a guardian of creativity, leaving sparkles of inspiration every night. But lately, her magic had grown weak. Her wings shimmered less, and her glow had dimmed.
One evening, as you sat quietly crafting, Lira whispered to you through the breeze. "I need to recharge my magic," she said, "but I can't get back to the fairy realm without a door—a special door that connects our worlds."
With her gentle guidance, you gathered wood, tiny treasures, and sparkling bits to craft the perfect fairy door. As you carefully painted and placed the last crystal, the door glowed softly, humming with energy. Lira fluttered toward it, her wings regaining their light as she stepped through.
In a flash, she disappeared into the fairy realm, promising to return soon—this time, fully recharged and ready to sprinkle your life with magic once more.
Learn the basics and some advanced skills to create the perfect Fairy Door of your own.
Invite the fairies to take a tea break and a nap in this tree house! Inspired by birdhouses and a little glitter, this fairy team room is a little different in that it hangs from the top so that it sways gently to be admired from any angle. With just enough room to fit a tiny figurine, you can give your little fae a place to have tea and sit with a friend...
Create Your Design: I am happy to create or recreate a previously sold design just for you. Contact me via email or through Etsy from the button below.
Why Fairy Houses?
"Fairycore is a decor trend that creates a relaxing atmosphere with both magical and nature-based items. While there's not a set way to create the unique aesthetic, there are several elements that are perfect to include into your decor scheme if you want to create this whimsical atmosphere in your home. "
- Jennifer Manfrin, BestReviews
I build fairy houses for your fairy garden to be 100% original to capture fairy magic and whimsy, so that you can imagine yourself flying up to each one as though you were coming home to relax, swing on a tiny hammock or invite other fae to tea.
My Etsy store has all of my fairy houses and fairy doors ready to ship, and you can request custom handmade fairy houses or fairy doors for your fairy garden, be it on the ground, on your patio, or inside on your wall or window.
DIY Crafters, this is for YOU!
Fairy House Tutorial
There are many ways to make your own fairy house. The method I came up with was born from some research and a whole lot of experimenting...
What a Fright! This spooky wooden like face encases a Haunted Fairy Door that lights up with an evil red glow, features cobwebs, bits of mini skeletons, life like mushrooms, red and black moss, and a really scary face!
Solar multicolor lighting to light up the party! Invite the fairies to take a tea break and a nap in this tree house! Inspired by birdhouses and a little glitter, this fairy team room is a little different in that it hangs from the top so that it sways gently to be admired from any angle. With just enough room to fit a tiny figurine, you can give your little fae a place to have tea and sit with a friend.
🍄Hang it up outside! Sealed with weatherproofing to preserve the colors, it will hold up nicely. Just keep it close to your door/window so you see it light up at night!! (and bring it from harsh weather)
See something you like that is out of stock? You can request a recreation of any sold-out items. You can also work with me to create your very own custom Fairy House! The "Fairy Garden House - Chantrelle Cottage" was sold shortly after it listed, and I would love to recreate it or others in the Gallery below for you.
Crafting new and unique Fairy houses and doors to your heart's desire!
Mon | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Tue | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Wed | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Thu | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Fri | 09:00 am – 05:00 pm | |
Sat | Closed | |
Sun | Closed |